Hugh Hanley: Eight 30-minute TV shows
Lunch Doodles with Mo Willems: Daily (1pm)

Popular activities!
Paint on:
- sticks
- rocks
- pine cones
- tin foil
- paper plates
- wax paper
- old cardboard boxes
Paint with different mediums:
- plastics utensils (spoons & forks)
- finger painting
- q-tips
- unused toothbrushes
- paper towel rolls (dip in paint and make circles)
Scrap art is another great activity.
Use tape and scissors and have your kids create their own work of art using:
- recycled bottles
- boxes
- plastic containers
- small boxes
- paper
- old unwanted cheap jewelry, beads, etc.
Drawing is also a favorite activity at LPC. Sometimes we add things like stickers & stencils as well. The older kids love coloring in mandalas and fun coloring pages!
Building tall towers is always fun:
- add plastic animals & people to different building materials
- build out of cardboard boxes (make boat, house, etc.), magnatiles are amazing.
Building “fairy houses” in the backyard is also another favorite.
Baking and cooking together is another great activity that kids love! Even giving them a plastic utensil and having them help cut up soft things like strawberries is exciting for them!
More fun ideas
- Scavenger hunts
- Making pillow and blanket forts
- Board games
- Puzzles
- Freeze dancing to music (they love “Kids Bop”)
- Reading books
One of the most popular outdoor activities is when teachers scatter “treasures” on the playground and the kids try and find them. Some of them will spend 20 minutes or longer doing this! All you need to do is throw some sequins around the backyard!
Some popular items for independent play!
Please note that Amazon has suspended shipment of nonessential items, so these may not be readily available:
Click here for the LPC snack menu!